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Finding the Best Managed Software Development Internships

So you’re thinking about pursuing a managed software development internship but not really sure where to start your search?

This guide will cover everything you need to know about finding and landing the perfect managed software development internship, from understanding the different types of programs available to getting your application materials ready. 

By the end, you’ll have a clear plan-of-action for securing an invaluable learning experience.

Types of Managed Software Development Internships

There are a few different types of managed software development internships you may come across in your search. Understanding the options can help you decide which path is the best fit:

Corporate Iinternships

Most large tech companies and software development firms offer summer or semester-long managed software development internships. You’ll work on real projects alongside experienced developers to gain hands-on experience. Perks include potential job offers and professional networking.

Startup internships

Similar structure to corporate programs but on a smaller scale. You’ll take on more responsibility early on. The environment is fast-paced and entrepreneurial. There’s potential for high growth and opportunities to return as a full-time employee if a startup succeeds.

Non-profit internships

Work on software projects and technical programs that directly benefit communities. Expect a more casual work environment. Great option for those motivated by social impact versus private sector experience.

When applying for managed software development internships, make sure to highlight any relevant projects, courses, or skills from your background. Employers want to see passion and potential to learn quickly. Craft targeted cover letters for each application sharing why you’re interested in that specific company or role.

Crafting a targeted cover letter for a managed software development internship

Here are some tips for crafting a targeted cover letter for a managed software development internship:

  • Clearly state the specific title and company you are applying to. This shows your interest is focused.
  • Express your knowledge of and interest in the company’s products/services and your enthusiasm for their work. Research them thoroughly beforehand.
  • Highlight any relevant academic or personal projects that relate to the work they do. Mention specific technologies, programming languages, or frameworks you have experience with that are applicable.
  • Explain how your relevant technical skills from coursework and experience have prepared you for the responsibilities of the internship. Quantify achievements if possible.
  • Emphasize your ability to work well independently as well as collaboratively in a team environment. Great soft skills are important too.
  • Relay your goals for the internship such as learning new skills, gaining industry experience, and contributing value to projects.
  • Thank the reader for your consideration and indicate your flexibility and availability if offered an interview.
  • Always have your cover letter proofread for typos or errors before submitting. First impressions matter.

Tailoring each cover letter to specifically address how you align with that managed software development internship opportunity will help you stand out from other applicants. Keep it concise yet compelling.

Mistakes to avoid when crafting a cover letter for a software development internship

Common mistakes to avoid when crafting a cover letter for a software development internship:

  • Not customizing the letter for each company/position. Generic cover letters get discarded.
  • Including irrelevant work experiences or side projects that don’t align with the internship requirements.
  • Focusing more on what you want from the internship rather than what you can offer the company.
  • Failing to properly proofread for spelling/grammatical errors or typos. This shows lack of attention to detail.
  • Relying too heavily on technical jargon without also emphasizing communication skills.
  • Not highlighting relevant coursework, projects, languages, and frameworks that match what the company does.
  • Including an objective rather than directly addressing the position in an intro paragraph.
  • Exceeding one page in length unless otherwise specified. Brevity is appreciated.
  • Failing to proofread on multiple devices – formatting may look different elsewhere.
  • Not following instructions exactly, like submitting as a PDF if a Word doc was requested.

Taking care to avoid these common flaws will make your application materials stand out positively and increase your chances of landing the internship.

Key Skills Learned in a Managed Software Development Internship

A managed internship provides well-rounded, practical skills across programming, collaboration, process, and professional competencies.

Here are some key skills that interns can expect to learn during a managed software development internship:

Coding Skills – Interns will gain experience with various programming languages and technologies used by the development team such as Java, Python, C#, JavaScript, etc.

Software Development Lifecycle – Interns learn about the different phases of the software development lifecycle from requirements gathering to deployment.

Version Control – Skills using version control systems like Git will be developed for managing code changes.

Collaboration Skills – Experience working on a team, communicating with other developers, participating in code reviews, standups, etc.

Problem Solving – Tackling technical issues, debugging, testing, and documenting troubleshooting steps.

Project Management – Insight into scoping projects, setting tasks, deadlines, and resource planning.

Documentation – Learning practices for writing documentation like user guides, and API/technical specs.

Design Patterns – Exposure to design principles for developing scalable, maintainable code.

Testing – Techniques for testing at the unit, integration, and system levels including test-driven development.

Deployment – Pipelines for building, integrating, and deploying applications in production environments.

Presentation Skills – Confidence in presenting work to other developers and stakeholders.

Resources and tools for developing the key skills

Here are some recommended resources and tools for developing the key skills learned in a managed software development internship:

  • Coding Practice Sites (Codewars, LeetCode, HackerRank) – Great for practicing different programming challenges and languages.
  • Open Source Projects – Contribute to active projects on GitHub to gain real experience with collaboration tools and workflows.
  • Online Courses (Coursera, edX, Udemy) – Take courses on software engineering practices, design patterns, testing methodologies, etc.
  • Virtual/Remote Internships – Programs like Anthropic, and AngelHack offer internship-like experiences to work on projects remotely.
  • Books – References for specific technologies, patterns, and processes like Clean Code, Design Patterns, and The DevOps Handbook.
  • Documentation Tools – Learn Markdown, and technical writing skills using tools like GitBook, and Read the Docs.
  • Version Control Tutorials – Atlassian, GitHub Guides to learn Git, GitHub features for code management.
  • Testing Frameworks – JUnit, Mocha, Cypress to practice test-driven and behavior-driven development.
  • Automation Tools – Jenkins, Travis CI, GitHub Actions to learn CI/CD pipelines.
  • Coding Dojos – Participate in local dojos or hackathons for collaborative coding practices.
  • Stack Overflow, Dev. to – Engage with developer communities to expand knowledge and problem-solving abilities.

Making use of free online resources is a great way for aspiring developers to start building essential skills outside of a formal internship.


With a bit of research and focused applications, you’ll be well on your way to landing the perfect managed software development internship to boost your skills and career opportunities. These invaluable short-term learning experiences provide valuable professional development you can apply long after they conclude. So get exploring your options – your future career is waiting!


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